This Is a Step-By-Step Cure For Diabetes Developed By Scientists

This Is a Step-By-Step Cure For Diabetes Developed By Scientists
I highly recommend you check this out and cure diabetes like I did. Maxine

Monday, February 3, 2014

Yacon Syrup For Diabetics

In case you haven't heard, there's a new sugar substitute that is receiving praise from alternative health experts and traditional doctors alike. It is called yacon syrup and it holds great promise for diabetics. Luckily, it is not something cooked up in a food laboratory like NutraSweet (aspartame) or saccharin. Rather, it is a totally natural substance extracted from a tuber plant in the Asteraceae (sunflower) family. This is the same family of plants that brings us artichokes, lettuce, chamomile tea, and interestingly enough, stevia, another excellent sugar substitute for diabetics.

Found in the high country of Peru, the yacon plant has been used by the Incas for centuries. Sweeter than sugar cane sucrose sugar, it contains fructooligosaccharides (FOS). In fact, as high as fifty percent of the tuber is this unique sugar. Here's the greatest news: fructooligosaccharides do not raise blood sugar. Instead, fructooligosaccharides actually make your cells more sensitive to insulin.

In this way, yacon syrup is almost a miracle for type 2 diabetics!

If you are working on reversing diabetes naturally, yacon syrup should most definitely be added to your arsenal of tricks. It has a delicious flavor, rivaling maple syrup. Most seem to think it has a hint of a fruity flavor too like raisons or dates. Some also say it takes a little like it has dried figs mixed in. This subtle fruity flavor can actually enhance the flavor in some uses.

It is not recommended that you bake with yacon syrup as it breaks down in extremely high temperatures (above about 160 degrees Fahrenheit). However, if you are cooking something like homemade spaghetti sauce or coconut curry on the stove top, this amount of heat should be fine.

Yacon syrup can also be used to make delicious salad dressings and other condiments like homemade ketchup. It goes great in teas and coffees as well as blended smoothie drinks. Diabetics can use it as a sugar substitute in just about anything other than baked goods without fearing a high blood glucose reading.

Remember too, that yacon syrup will actually improve your insulin resistance. However, you can't eat an unlimited amount of yacon syrup because it can give you diarrhea if you eat it in excess. Start out small and eat only one or two teaspoons and then you can increase it incrementally once that has no effect. Yacon syrup will also decrease cholesterol and serve as a prebiotic for your gut flora.

Look for yacon syrup for diabetics online at sites like and at your local health stores and food co-ops. It will likely become more popular in the near future. It is one of the most exciting tools for  curing diabetes in a long time.

To learn exactly the whole formula for reversing diabetes naturally, click on the big red button at the top of the page and listen carefully to the video. It is long but it is important to listen to every part of it to get the gist of what they are saying. Remember too, this is a plan that is backed by legitimate scientific research as will be explained.