This Is a Step-By-Step Cure For Diabetes Developed By Scientists

This Is a Step-By-Step Cure For Diabetes Developed By Scientists
I highly recommend you check this out and cure diabetes like I did. Maxine

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Large Research Study Shows Strong Link Between Air Pollution and the Rate of Diabetes

Hi Guys,

This was a very well designed study covering the entire United States.  The results show a very strong correlation between the level of air pollution in a given area and the incidence of diabetes. Take a look at the maps in the actual published research paper and you'll see what I mean:

If you just want a quick summary of the results, here's the press release by the hospital involved in the study: 

And here is one of the many popular press articles:

I'll be writing some articles on this soon so stay tuned.

Happy Halloween Everyone! Don't let those ghouls get you.
